Acupuncture, a powerful medicine, can effectively prevent diseases, manage pain, boost the immune system, and enhance the overall wellbeing and functionality of individuals' lives.
During the first acupuncture appointment, you will receive a private consultation and treatment, allowing us to create a personalized plan that fits your budget, schedule, and health requirements.
Our follow up acupuncture service offers ongoing, private consultations and treatments to alleviate minor concerns, relax muscles, and promote blood circulation, ultimately improving your overall quality of life.
ACUPUNCTURE with body work
This treatment combines therapeutic bodywork and acupuncture to address areas of tension in the body. After a 30-40 minute bodywork session, acupuncture points will be applied, allowing you to relax and experience the benefits of both modalities in one session.
Contact Us
12492 LaGrange Road
Louisville, Ky 40245
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 3:00 pm